Archive for the ‘Prayer in Action’ Category

What is sex trafficking?

Sex trafficking is modern day slavery in which a commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion.  It is estimated that just over 50% of the victims of sex trafficking are minors. The average age of entry in the trade is 12-14 years old.  The average victim trafficked is forced to service between 20-40 clients per day.

Sex trafficking is present in many countries all over the world, as well as in all 50 states.  It is very difficult to give an accurate number of people currently enslaved in the world; The estimated number is 27 million people worldwide. It has been published that every 30 seconds a person is trafficked worldwide.

Although the majority of people trafficked are women and children, there is no consistent face of a victim. This happens to people of all different social statuses, classes, and nationalities.

There is also no consistent face of a trafficker. There is a wide range of operations in trafficking. This includes, individual pimps, small ring operations, even large business like operations.  Most often, they are loose knit decentralized criminal networks.

There are many ways in which a person is trafficked. Traffickers recruit women and children through a variety of deceptive means. One typical situation is promises of employment to people in less than favorable life situations. This happens here in the United States and overseas. Most frequently in the U.S the victims are teen runaways or illegal immigrants. Overseas, the victim is typically a person who is desperate to provide for their family. They are transported to another country, promised a job and all identification documents are taken from them. The perpetrators prey on people in vulnerable life situations and sometimes take months to gain the trust of the victim. Usually, they pose as a love interest, other times befriending them.

Who is doing something about it?

The current federal law in place again trafficking is the Trafficking Victims Protection Act. It was originally introduced in 2000 but has been reauthorized with modifications in 2002 and 2005. It has reintroduced for 2011 and on October 13, the Senate Judiciary Committee passed the TVPRA by a vote of 12-6. The Senate bill is now ready to be voted on by the full Senate.  This law authorizes the annual Trafficking in person report and established a global minimum stand of confronting trafficking.  In this U.S the TVPRA established trafficking as a federal crime. This act also requires assistance be provided for victims and visa protection be granted for victims trafficked across international borders.

Each state has different laws, for Virginia in specific there are no laws that are specific regarding trafficking. There is a statue for abduction and in 2010 that statue was expanded. The expansion included abduction for the purpose of subjecting the person to forced labor or services and raising penalties for pimping.

House Bill 1898 passed in 2011, changing the penalty for any person who abducts a minor with the purpose of prostitution or manufacturing porn to a class 2 felony. The bill also provides that any person who receives any money on account of causing any person to engage in forced labor, prostitution, or the manufacture of child pornography is guilty of a Class 4 felony.

HB 2190 also passed in 2011. This bill is for victims of trafficking to received services from the department of social services. This would require that the commonwealth DSS would provide service for the victims to which they may be entitled to.  This bill also require that education and training programs be made to increase awareness of trafficking and services available to victims.  Also, this bill provides assistance for victims to return to their place of origin if they desire.

What can you do about it?

Step 1: Prayer. Gather a group of friends, church groups, or even individuals. We all know the powerful impact of prayer. The victims need prayer for hope and restoration. A big need is also prayer for the “johns” and their spiritual healing. After all, we know this is a spiritual battle.

Step 2: Awareness. There are many organizations that are in need of your help. Each of us have a gift from God and it is important that we use that good to fight in this battle against injustice.

Step 3: Giving.  We all have something to give; this could me prayer, hope,  time to volunteer, or monetary gifts.

There have been great strides in the past few years to the problem of human trafficking in Virginia, but there is still much progress to be made. There are many grassroots organizations in need of community assistance and volunteers.

If you would like to get further involved in this cause or want to learn more, please contact:

Regent University International Justice Mission

-IJM meets monthly to raise awareness and educate the community of the problem and how to be a part of solution. This includes students and citizens of Hampton Roads.

Jen Wakefield

Regent IJM President

Hello IJM!

 I have 3 worthwhile events to inform you about. I’d love for each of you to get involved with any of them that interests you, or not (stretch yourself), and that your schedule allows for, or not (stretch yourself). Justice really should be our lifestyle, not limited to given event…but I digress, ok, here we go in chronological order:


THIS FRIDAY, October 28th. New Life Providence (1224 Thompkins Lane, Virginia Beach, VA 23464. 7:00pm:

Screening of “58: Fast-forward the End of Poverty: WE HAVE EVERYTHING WE NEED. WILL WE DO EVERYTHING IT TAKES?”

58: is the inspiring true story of the global Church in action. Witness bravery and determined faith in a journey from the slums of Kenya to the streets of New York. Confront the brutality of extreme poverty and meet those who live out the True Fast of Isaiah 58 and create stunning new possibilities for the future.Travel from the sun-scorched plains of rural Ethiopia to British shopping centers, from Brazilian ganglands and the enslaving quarries of India to western churches, businesses and conferences.

58: invites audiences to discover the incredible work of God through His people in our hurting world. Meet ordinary people, hear their stories, and see their struggles and their victories as 58: shows the relentlessly loving God at work through His Church bringing hope to the darkest challenges of our day. Experience eye-opening reasons to lift our expectations of the future. Check out the trailer:


*Be the solution: If you would like to volunteer for this event and personally insert yourself in this event, let me know what works for you:

  • Promo: THIS WEEK! If you want flyers…let me know
  • Set up: 5:30pm
  • Greeters: 5:30pm
  • Coffee Servers: 5:30pm & 8:30pm (before and after event. You may choose to do before OR after).
  • Tear down: 9:00pm


Tuesday, November 1st. Library Plaza.11:00am-3:00pm:

Slavery Demonstration.

Picture with me… in the middle of the Plaza will be an IJM table with information about trafficking, the IJM bracelets to sell, and jars labeled with numbers. The numbers correspond to victims tied to trees and lamp posts around the plaza, each with a sign designating their price of freedom and the significance of that number (ie: $3: the average cost to rent a girl for an hour/ $27: There are 27 million documented slaves in the world today) etc. People will give money into whatever jar they choose and if their donation buys the price of someone’s freedom, they are given an IJM bracelet and get to free the “slave”…only for the “slave” to be sold again.


*Be the solution: There’s a couple ways to get involved

  • Get the word out!
  • Set up help (11:00am)
  • Volunteer to be a slave for ½ hour-1 hour between the time of 11:30am-3:00pm (you tell me when works for you)
  • Help co-host the IJM table for ½ hour-1 hour between the time of 11:30am-3:00pm (you tell me when works for you)
  • Tear down help (3:00pm)


Friday, November 4th. Summit Christian Academy (4209 Big Bethel Road, Yorktown, Virginia 23693). 6:30pm.

Justice Rally.

Night of prayer and worship lead by Livingstone House of Prayer. Fashion for sale by “Elegantees”.

Check it out: Livingstone House of Prayer:



*Be the solution: If you would like to help sell Elegantees at the event, let me know. The biggest thing you can do is come. Engage. Hear the Lord’s heart. Obey what He tells you. Intercede for the victims (both traffickers and trafficked persons alike).


Thanks for reading! Look forward to hearing from you soon !


Letters To Joseph

Posted: October 21, 2011 in Prayer in Action

Joseph has been in prison since December 2010 for a crime he didn’t commit according to IJM investigators. This father of five is facing a potential death sentence that would be devestating to his family and community. Please take a moment to follow this link and send Joseph a letter of encouragement.

Two options:

  1. Print and mail yourself
  2. Fill out and submit to IJM who will deliver it for you

Life and death are in the power of the tongue. Let’s bring some life to a situation that threatens an unjust death.

IJM had an education and prayer meeting to combat human trafficking. We heard the statistics about human trafficking and came up with specific prayer requests related to those statistics. Listed below are those requests. Fight injustice wherever you are and pray!

  • Wisdom for potential victims of human trafficking
  • Whole families filled with the love of Christ
  • Divine appointments for potential victims and actual victims
  • Opportunities for organizations to reach victims
  • Effective, stricter laws that are enforced
  • That God would place this issue on others’ hearts
  • Adults that would give godly advice to victims
  • Receptive hearts and healing for victims
  • Movement for more compassion and courage to speak up about the issue
  • Ending of mail order brides
  • Awareness that this issue occurs in the United States
  • Ability to see through the deceit
  • End of pornography
  • Awareness of the issue of pornograghy
  • Convicting believers hearts addicted to pornography
  • Sexual integrity and healing of sexual brokennes
  • Ministry to porn industry leaders
  • The witness of Jesus to predators
  • Using specific gifts of victims for God’s glory
  • Courage for victims to step out of harmful situations
  • Job opportunities and other opportunities to help victims
  • Healing from shame
  • For victims to know their identity in Christ
  • For the church to speak up
  • For people to see the dignity of victims
  • End to corruption
  • Training for police
  • Growth in advocacy
  • Courage and perserverance to pray and advocate

What is your life like right now?  What has God been stirring in your heart?  Are you pursuing it? Have you laid your dreams off to the side because your dream is too big or difficult?

I recently have been reading the Dream Giver by Bruce Wilkinson, and the Lord has been confirming in my heart His call for me to dig deeper into His presence and will for my life. There are many obstacles in our lives that can hinder us for being all that God has called us to be.

Lately, I feel as though I have continually been knocked over, without motivation, or without passion. Yet the Lord has lovingly pursued me, encouraging me to honor Him in all I do. Part of this has been going to Him for healing in areas of my life. Another part has been a longing in my heart to be used by God. Specifically, this longing relates to my ultimate desire to work with victims of human trafficking and provide counseling to those individuals. Part of me has wanted to lay this dream aside until all of the right things come into place. Yet something stirs deep within me that God can use me now.

Amidst my weakness and difficulties, I am saying yes to God’s longing for me to be used in making change in this area of injustice.   I am asking God to show me how He wants to use me. And I’m getting back up again when I fall off course, as I do often.

If you’re reading this, you probably have passion for the ending of human trafficking. Something inside you wants to make a difference. Maybe another part believes you cannot make a difference, have no gifts or talents to offer, or have no time to confront this massive issue. Yet I believe the Lord says, “I can use you in many ways, big or small. Just step forward,
say yes to me, and I will show you how.”

May God direct you in all areas of your life and show you how He wants to use you in combating injustice.


Regent Students Lobby against human trafficking in Richmond, Va.


The IJM Regent Chapter teamed up with The Richmond Justice Initiative and other abolitionist to lobby against human trafficking in the Richmond area.

On Wednesday February 29th, students gathered for the Virginia lobby day to end human trafficking. A press conference took place in the commonwealth capital building addressing human trafficking legislation. Advocates met with legislators to discuss the problem with sex and labor trafficking in Virginia. Many do not know this problem still exist and northern Virginia is a hot spot for sex trafficking. (

There were many bills being discussed such as: The Victim Service Plan to provide services such as healthcare, education, job training, and legal services.  This bill would get the Department of Human Services more involved by developing a plan to help identify the victims of human trafficking.

Some of the other bills include a posting of a national human trafficking hotline and the expunging of criminal records for victims.  Currently, there are nine pending bills related to trafficking.

Regent IJM has also recently visited the International Justice Mission headquarters in Washington D.C and soon will be holding a fashion show to raise money for human trafficking awareness.  While visiting the IJM headquarters, students met the Founder of IJM, Gary Haugen, and attended the IJM prayer time.  In this prayer time updates were given from all over the world on findings of human trafficking from their 14 field offices.

While touring the headquarters IJM Regent learned vital information to bring back to the chapter. “World changers begin by making an impact right where they are.  They follow their passions and pour themselves out for something greater. At IJM, we often talk about how students are key agents of change (otherwise known as world changers),”said Jaclyn Lesch, the Student Ministries Program Manager. She also gave steps on how to get involved from where you are:

Call on President Obama to help end modern-day slavery.  We are asking 25,000 people to lend their voices to this initiative in an effort to influence the President’s budget and policy goals related to human trafficking.

If you have an iphone or Droid, download the IJM Mobile app!  It will take you closer to the frontlines of our work than ever before.

Register to attend the Global Prayer Gathering 2011. This event is the best opportunity to go deeper with the work of IJM. The GPG (April 8-10, 2011) brings together staff and friends of IJM from all over the world for a time of seeking God and seeking justice for victims of oppression.  You can also sign up for the 2-day conference right before the GPG just for college students!

Support the work of IJM and bring rescue to the oppressed around the world by signing up to be a student Freedom Partner.

For more information on what IJM is and does go to

Get involved, Stand up and speak out against injustice.


Come out and see a wonderful display of the work God is moving His people towards. You will be able to pray, show your artist skills, create, and be a part of a movement to change the world. If you would like to be more involved in making this prayer vigil come alive please email Marie Lorah at

Friday, December 10 · 9:00am – 12:00pm in the Fountain View Room of the Regent Ordinary.

Check this out for something unique and cool we will be doing:

A Powerful Poem

Posted: October 19, 2010 in Prayer in Action

I wanted to share a poem that my friend, Elizabeth, wrote about the horrific realities of human trafficking. May your heart be touched and drawn to pray for the victims of human trafficking. Specifically, you can pray that God would make a way for victims to be saved out of human trafficking, that individuals involved with or victims of human trafficking would come to know Christ, and that God’s justice would prevail. There is such a need to pray for these individuals’ lives to be restored and healed!

It’s Your Daughter
By Elizabeth Unger

It’s your daughter crying out in the darkness, no one to hear, none to reply.

Her sobs pierce the darkness as desperation and despair close in all around her like one all-enveloping, ominous cloud.

All feeling has left her limbs except for the blood on her fingertips as they grope the cold ground and the slow, painful breaking of her heart.

She is dizzy and dares not open her eyes for fear of reliving the nightmare, but shapes begin to form behind her eye lids and so she opens them in hopes that she can escape.

How did it come to this?

All her purity had been blotted out by those whom she could not control. It was supposed to be her choice, but it was her choice no longer.

Now, it was their choice.

With whom. When. How long. How many. How often. How long? Forever.

She used to love reading and writing and riding her horse with her father until it was so dark that they could no longer see the trail.

Her mother was in the process of teaching her how to cook.

She could no longer spell the word “hope” let alone believe in its existence.

The only people who knew her whereabouts were the ones who rob her of her most precious gift.

She used to dream of her husband, of the time they would spend together, of a life shared and dreamt of, together.

The children she would bear, running to her when they’re scared of the lightning or when they scraped their knees outside.

But now it’s your daughter who’s scared of the future, with no one to hold her scraped heart.

You would want someone to save your daughter, if it were her, to ride in and slay the dragons,

To pick her up off the ground and bring her home.

She may not be your daughter, but she’s someone’s precious little girl.

Someone somewhere may be waiting up with the light on, waiting and praying for her to come safely home.

Introduction :-)

Posted: October 19, 2010 in Prayer in Action

My name Is Marie. I am the prayer coordinator for IJM this year. I have a passion for God and His heart for others. Prayer is one of my interests and passions as well. First and foremost, though, God has taught me the importance of maintaining an intimate relationship with Him, and through this relationship, everything else flows.

I believe God has SO much in store for the Regent chapter of IJM and for everyone involved with it. If you aren’t involved and want to get involved, let us know and we can find a place where you fit. If you have a heart for prayer, intercession, or encouragement, the prayer piece of IJM is for you! Please feel free to contact us through our email: God is continuing to reveal His heart to me for what else is in store for this semester and year, but the specific verse on my heart is Matthew 6:33.

To share more about myself: I am a Masters in Counseling student at Regent and just moved to the area. I’m from just outside of Philly in PA, and I got my bachelor’s degree at a state school in PA called Millersville University. I love getting to know new people, hanging out, drinking tea, going to the gym, watching the Gilmore Girls, and especially being creative! In the past couple years, I’ve started painting, writing, and dancing…for me, these things are all ways that I can give glory to God and encourage others. He doesn’t want us to put Him in a box…He is always expanding our view of Him.

I believe God has placed human trafficking on my heart so that I can not only pray for the issue but also so I can someday use this degree to counsel individuals after they are saved from trafficking. IJM is a great organization and has a place for all people with different gifts.
May God bless you, and keep your gaze fixed on HIM!
Marie Lorah